Noise Receptor Journal Issue no. 7
€8.00 / Sold Out
A5, 94 pages
Noise Receptor Journal continues its adventures into the physical world, where this print venture constitutes the physical manifestation of the Noise Receptor blog, but also contains interview and art content to differentiate it from the already published web-based reviews.
While Noise Receptor Journal is not intended to replace the website, it is however targeted at an audience who values the permanence of print media over the transience of web-content.
Details of content and format of the noise receptor journal issue no.7 as follows:
-: In depth interviews with: Am Not, Cloister Recordings, Himukalt, Ochu, Pterygium, & Tone Generator (of SPK & Last Dominion Lost).
-: A series of six previously unpublished SPK group photos, taken at The Brickworks, Sydney, March 1982.
-: Collage artwork by Richard Stevenson.
-: 50 in depth music reviews (ambient/ industrial/ experimental / power electronics etc.).